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Engage Zoe Gibson for talks or training at your next event


Topic List

Topics can be tailored to your organisation or event and are delivered by  Zoe Rosen.

Why Customer Research Matters

The competitive landscape has changed. We see the rise of distributors and big players can no longer rely on their size and history going forward as power changes to the hands of the customers. We discuss how customer research is vital to staying relevant and ahead of the game.

Understanding Cognitive Biases

Ever sunk millions of dollars into a product only to have it flop? Ever wondered why your customers haven't responded to a new concept the way you expected them to? This topic goes into the behaviour of decision making from the customer and the business perspective, why there is often misalignment and how to ensure success going forward.

Design Thinking Introduction

What is Design Thinking and how can it be used for maximum impact? We discuss why and how behind the process and the strength it lends businesses interested in improving their customer experience and shaping their strategic customer engagements. Ideal for cross-business awareness building and stakeholder on-boarding.

Qualitative Vs Quantitative Research - why do both?

Qual and Quant research are two sides of the same coin. This talk explores the pros and cons of each and when to use which method and what to look for as indicators of robust research.

Human-Centred Design Process

This talk easily converts to a workshop and covers the process with tools and guides to make breaking down the HCD steps in a simple format.

Facilitation - How To Nail It

Skills workshop designed to improve your team's facilitation skills. The content is created with you and goes through planning, preparation and execution so you can push out workshops quickly and confidently.

Stakeholder Management and Project Planning

This training session is to highlight the practical steps you need to take to ensure strong stakeholder relationships. How to plan and communicate your work to ensure trust and transparency and set you up for success to win budgets and buy-in.

Presentation Skills

A practical session with exercises to improve public speaking performance in your team. We will work on the content together and go through what you need to do to deliver an impactful presentation.


I had the pleasure to host Zoe for a recent Sydney Creative Customer Experience (CCX) event (September 2019) where Zoe was invited to present on the topic "The Value of Customer insight" for over 80 members of the Sydney CX community. It is an absolute joy to hear Zoe speak about research, her energy and enthusiasm is infectious, her background as an anthropologist informs the way she approaches research, and is a breath of fresh air in the design community. Everyone I spoke to on and after the evening had high praise for how she had engaged the room and her insights about research certainly gave many (myself included) inspiration to do better research

Kimberly Richards - 2019

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