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Engagement Opportunities

Coaching, mentoring and empowering companies to design for customer centricity

Topics can be tailored for your organisation or event. Talks revolve around Zoe's areas of expertise;

  • "Why Customer Research Matters"

  • "Understanding Cognitive Biases"

  • "Design Thinking - an Introduction"

  • "Research Qualitative Vs Quantitative Research - why do both?"

Workshop Facilitation

Be it stakeholder alignment, initiative canvases or ideation workshops, we can design a workshop together and facilitate to ensure your team reaches the best possible outcome.

UX Design Practise Implementation

Research shows that experiences over products are more important to customers. Now it's easier than ever to switch between companies online.It's critical for business' survival that your company is has a strong practice or risk being disrupted. Talk to me about how I can help uplift your team and business. 

UX Research and Strategy

I help businesses identify their strategic North Star and develop a road map to achieve it. I understand how to plan, execute, lead, uncover and deliver on customer expectations. 

Training and Mentoring

As one of Sydney's active community members I am at the forefront of best practice. I'm bringing my skills internationally so if your team needs upskilling in Human-Centered Design, Experience Research tools and techniques contact me to discuss how I can help.

Public Speaking Help?

In another life, I was a qualified AMEB Speech and Drama teacher. I'm not with AMEB any more but I've used and refined the skills as I helped Sydney Design Thinking speakers put their pitches together and mentored them in public speaking and communication styles. I've also done this for colleagues and it would be a pleasure to help you confidently get on that stage. Got a talk coming up? I can help.

Enquire now

Zoe really understands people and how they interact with services. Her insights have helped us tremendously in understanding who our market was, what their needs were and how to address them. Working with Zoe is a breeze, as she is brilliant at communicating her ideas and taking on board the constraints of our industry to arrive at actionable recommendations.

Wil T. 
Cloud Developer

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