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It's a delight to meet you!

If you are interested in working together or have a project or problem you could use some assistance with, please reach out to me and we can discuss what your next steps could be


 I do not publish the case studies of my clients to respect their privacy, however, I can tell you I have worked with each of Australia's Big 4 Banks, neo banks, health care, insurance companies and broadcasters. Further I have full working rights in Australia, The United States of America and Canada is Pending.

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My Story

I have 10 years of experience consulting and working in- house in the Customer Experience and Business strategy spaces in Sydney, Australia. I have built and led teams nationally and internationally, across a range of industries to deliver exceptional growth for my clients.

Graduating in 2013 from Macquarie University, I studied cultural and behavioural anthropology and doubled with a second degree in philosophy; business ethics. These equipped me with a strong research skill set and a keen understanding human behaviour, grounded theory and proper process​. Anthropology is the roots of disciplines such as UX, Service Design, Human Centred Design and Design Thinking, which are the areas my career has focused and I believe is the key to my success.

I have grown from smaller projects to complex business wide strategy. I work to ensure businesses exceed growth targets, through delivery of robust research for business empowerment, enabling effective decision making on strategic initiatives. 

Career Highlights

  • I co-founded Sydney Design Thinking in July 2015, an monthly industry event that grew into the largest Design Thinking community in the world. It was just shy of 10,000 members when I departed due to international relocation. 

  • Working with National Geographic and Wits University, South Africa, on the species discovery of Homo Naledi. This ended up being the largest catchment of early hominid fossils ever found and raised a lot of questions about "modern" human behaviour and how does our past influence the human behaviour today? Questioning this is one of the elements that keeps research fascinating for me, to this day.

My promise to you

 I work to guide a business through complex customer data to ensure that new products, services and initiatives are wanted, intuitive and delightful to you and your customer.

My services and offerings are tailored to your needs and what problem you are trying to solve be that a large system wide redesign or individual training.

I'm happy to engage with a business as they require. I offer short, medium and long term contracts based on your needs. 

I look forward to working with you.

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